The Lazlo Report is the overall thoughts of Lazlo T. Hofstedder after watching the world go around each day and watching how people act toward each other, not only in his life but in all of society, today , yesterday and how it will effect the future. NOTE: The Ads on this site DO NOT necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Author or the Writers of this site. If you disagree please contact Google Ads and not this Webmaster. Thank You.
Fixing Immigration and Social Security all at the Same Time
My latest idea could help repair the problem of illegal immigration and identity theft to eventually fix the massive problem that we face in this Nation today.
First of all though, I want to say hello to Pookiekake, my very dear friend from my pals over at, I have not been over there for a while because I have spent so much time with my mom and dad plus doing this blog but then that is another story all together.
However, our Nation's Social Security program is broken and I think that I have an idea that will work if anyone wants to start a company based upon a logo that I made up logo and around what has been in the farm industry for over a decade or more.
It's called Retinal Eye scanning. And while I have coined this phrase "The Social Security Eye Scan Card." Or better said, for those who aren't up to speed; "SS-Eye". That stands for SSI I’ve made a logo with two SS's and an eyeball. I have a picture of this on my personal page and if you want to see it just click here. Anyone wanting to steal this and make themselves a million or even a billion dollar industry out of it is very welcome to it. All I want is to either be in on the ground floor with whoever starts up this company or just a small amount of credit and maybe some cash down the road; but someone has to be able to put this together.
My main objective though is just to see it work for the betterment of America. I love my country and I am proud to be an American. I don't want that taken away from any of us. I don’t want to have the old woman down the street, or me, have her social Security number used by someone in Mexico or Pakistan or wherever because our government officials are too lazy to get off their asses and do something about the system. Or have the system pay for non Americans getting free health care when they have never paid into the system EVER nor will they ever reach the age of 65 to collect the benefits out of the system either. The private sector has always been able to do better first. That’s why it’s broken and that’s how we can fix it.
Now at my age, and considering the fact that I am disabled, and knowing that I don’t know any body in the government or livestock industry, I would have a hard time doing an upstart of a company on my own. However, there must be plenty of you out there that have contacts that you can put yourselves together and make this happen. Private industry is what this country is based upon anyway. Make a small independent company and then sell your contract to the U.S. Government; you can make millions!!
I'm not saying that it's right, I’m just saying that it might be possable to save the Social Security system that needs to be saved right away and then the illegal worker program that is COMPLELY OUT OF CONTROL in this country so at the same time we can fix both problems without any animosity and without amnesty, just like the president said in the State of the Union speech the other night.
If every legal citizen of the United States has an eye scan on their social security card then there would be no way to forge a card and apply for a job because all businesses would have to be required to have an eye scanner installed to verify people just as I would have to do when I go down to the bank and apply for a loan. Naturally for smaller businesses there would be verification centers to go to set up by the US Government. It would then make it all fair for every persons in America, everyone would have to show their eye into an eye scanner, regardless if they are rich or poor, young or old, yellow or green, black or white. That would set the standard for who gets in or out of our borders. This could also be added to our passports within three years.
We have been using this same technology for several years anyway, well over a decade now, on cattle and other livestock to identify them and count them because the eye is just as accurate as DNA. Yep! Just as accurate as DNA, not that we are anything like cattle and this is some sort of another Orwellian theory or plot, no this is just plain old fashioned cowboy stuff brought in to help out in the time of national disaster. Fingerprints can be obscured by burning them off or by wax overlays but unless you want to poke your eyes out and wear prosthetics and then have a plastic eyeball put in to match up to some fake ID; (which I can see crazy a ass terrorist doing) this idea, I think anyway, can repair the problems we have.
So, if you're interested in using this logo and you want to start a company AND you have contacts with the Federal Government, go ahead and email me at the address listed within these pages so I can work with you. I have other talents besides writing and Adobe. I have ran business' before, one that I owned myself for thirteen years and one in Los Angeles that I left after 12 years as Operations Manager, another that….Hmm, giving out too much personal info.
Otherwise just steal from here and do it on your own and I'll just find you later. Either way it gets done and I'll be happy. America needs it, I need it and you need it. Shit, we all need this type of program to keep us safe from terrorism in the future and to keep our children and their children safe from people that we don’t want coming in over the border. It’s been too many years that America has been down-sizing itself in class. It’s about time that we do something about it and at least this program is a head start on giving American’s just that, CLASS. With that comes pride, togetherness, fellowship, honor, and most of all respect. Respect for another human being is one of the most basic needs and wants of every human being on the planet but we as a nation can’t even seem to teach our own Goddamn children anything about it. You got little kids in the mall telling their mother’s to fuck off and I am absolutely baffled by this behavior thinking that it’s the parenting that brought this on. Good Lord, in my day I would have gotten my mouth washed out with soap and that mall would have gone dead silent. Oh man, and then when I got home I would have had to face the wrath my father’s belt!
Sorry, sort of got off tract there, so if you want the idea, just go to my personal page to get it or email me. I would fancy to help because as you can see I am rather passionate about it.
That’s The Lazlo Report for January 26, 2007
First of all though, I want to say hello to Pookiekake, my very dear friend from my pals over at, I have not been over there for a while because I have spent so much time with my mom and dad plus doing this blog but then that is another story all together.
However, our Nation's Social Security program is broken and I think that I have an idea that will work if anyone wants to start a company based upon a logo that I made up logo and around what has been in the farm industry for over a decade or more.
It's called Retinal Eye scanning. And while I have coined this phrase "The Social Security Eye Scan Card." Or better said, for those who aren't up to speed; "SS-Eye". That stands for SSI I’ve made a logo with two SS's and an eyeball. I have a picture of this on my personal page and if you want to see it just click here. Anyone wanting to steal this and make themselves a million or even a billion dollar industry out of it is very welcome to it. All I want is to either be in on the ground floor with whoever starts up this company or just a small amount of credit and maybe some cash down the road; but someone has to be able to put this together.
My main objective though is just to see it work for the betterment of America. I love my country and I am proud to be an American. I don't want that taken away from any of us. I don’t want to have the old woman down the street, or me, have her social Security number used by someone in Mexico or Pakistan or wherever because our government officials are too lazy to get off their asses and do something about the system. Or have the system pay for non Americans getting free health care when they have never paid into the system EVER nor will they ever reach the age of 65 to collect the benefits out of the system either. The private sector has always been able to do better first. That’s why it’s broken and that’s how we can fix it.
Now at my age, and considering the fact that I am disabled, and knowing that I don’t know any body in the government or livestock industry, I would have a hard time doing an upstart of a company on my own. However, there must be plenty of you out there that have contacts that you can put yourselves together and make this happen. Private industry is what this country is based upon anyway. Make a small independent company and then sell your contract to the U.S. Government; you can make millions!!
I'm not saying that it's right, I’m just saying that it might be possable to save the Social Security system that needs to be saved right away and then the illegal worker program that is COMPLELY OUT OF CONTROL in this country so at the same time we can fix both problems without any animosity and without amnesty, just like the president said in the State of the Union speech the other night.
If every legal citizen of the United States has an eye scan on their social security card then there would be no way to forge a card and apply for a job because all businesses would have to be required to have an eye scanner installed to verify people just as I would have to do when I go down to the bank and apply for a loan. Naturally for smaller businesses there would be verification centers to go to set up by the US Government. It would then make it all fair for every persons in America, everyone would have to show their eye into an eye scanner, regardless if they are rich or poor, young or old, yellow or green, black or white. That would set the standard for who gets in or out of our borders. This could also be added to our passports within three years.
We have been using this same technology for several years anyway, well over a decade now, on cattle and other livestock to identify them and count them because the eye is just as accurate as DNA. Yep! Just as accurate as DNA, not that we are anything like cattle and this is some sort of another Orwellian theory or plot, no this is just plain old fashioned cowboy stuff brought in to help out in the time of national disaster. Fingerprints can be obscured by burning them off or by wax overlays but unless you want to poke your eyes out and wear prosthetics and then have a plastic eyeball put in to match up to some fake ID; (which I can see crazy a ass terrorist doing) this idea, I think anyway, can repair the problems we have.
So, if you're interested in using this logo and you want to start a company AND you have contacts with the Federal Government, go ahead and email me at the address listed within these pages so I can work with you. I have other talents besides writing and Adobe. I have ran business' before, one that I owned myself for thirteen years and one in Los Angeles that I left after 12 years as Operations Manager, another that….Hmm, giving out too much personal info.
Otherwise just steal from here and do it on your own and I'll just find you later. Either way it gets done and I'll be happy. America needs it, I need it and you need it. Shit, we all need this type of program to keep us safe from terrorism in the future and to keep our children and their children safe from people that we don’t want coming in over the border. It’s been too many years that America has been down-sizing itself in class. It’s about time that we do something about it and at least this program is a head start on giving American’s just that, CLASS. With that comes pride, togetherness, fellowship, honor, and most of all respect. Respect for another human being is one of the most basic needs and wants of every human being on the planet but we as a nation can’t even seem to teach our own Goddamn children anything about it. You got little kids in the mall telling their mother’s to fuck off and I am absolutely baffled by this behavior thinking that it’s the parenting that brought this on. Good Lord, in my day I would have gotten my mouth washed out with soap and that mall would have gone dead silent. Oh man, and then when I got home I would have had to face the wrath my father’s belt!
Sorry, sort of got off tract there, so if you want the idea, just go to my personal page to get it or email me. I would fancy to help because as you can see I am rather passionate about it.
That’s The Lazlo Report for January 26, 2007
Eye Scan,
george orwell,
idenity theft,
ilegal mexican,
livestock industry,
social security,
Big Tobacco is Bad Business
Have you ever wondered what is inside of a cigarette; even those extra-extra-light cigarettes? Well, I have a list of things that the big and small tobacco companies are putting in today’s smokes and I guarantee that it will probably make you puke, that is if you are a smoker. I was once and it made me stop smoking commercial cigarettes about as fast as I read the list.
I’m not a crazy non-smoker and I disagree with a lot of these laws about not letting people smoke in some places. I say that if it’s your bar and you want smoking in it then it’s your call. People go to bars expecting booze and smoke and if they want a bar without smoking then look one up in the yellow pages. However, I can go along with no smoking in restaurants so long as it’s always been a no smoking restaurant. If the clientele come there to smoke then there needs to be a sign outside that reads “This is a Smoking Establishment”.
But back to the list, here is a list of the insane things that the tobacco companies put into commercial tobacco that people smoke;
Acetone: nail polish remover
Ammonia: household cleaner
Angelica root extract: known to cause cancer in animals
Arsenic: used in rat poisons
Butane: gas, used in lighters
Carbon monoxide: poisonous gas
Cadmium: used in batteries
DDT: a banned insecticide
Ethyl Futoate: causes liver damage in animals
Formaldehyde: used to preserve dead things
Hydrazine: rocket fuel
Napthalene: ingredient in mothballs
Lead: poisonous in high doses
Methoprene: insecticide
Polonium: cancer causing radioactive element
Nicotine: Although they can survive a nuclear bomb, nicotine can kill cockroaches
Methyl isocyanate: In 1984, it’s accidental release in gas form killed 2000 people in Bhopal India
That is just the short list too! Good Lord people, when I saw that list for the first time I did try to quit smoking, again, as I have so many times before, with the gum and the patches but I just couldn’t do it.
What I turned to was something quite different and while I do not promote smoking, nor do I suggest anyone go out and start smoking, I defiantly think that going with Natural Tobacco is the way to go because it has none of the chemicals above and because it will save you about $3.40 a pack. If you smoke even the cheaper brands like I did, that’s like $102 per month in savings or over $1,200.00 per year.
The brand I smoke is Farmer’s Gold but there are several out there and then they make these pre-fab tubes that you use to push the tobacco into with a handy-dandy cool little tool that takes about twenty seconds to make one smoke once you get the hang of it. Like I said, I don’t promote smoking but if you do, and there are millions of people who do, it’s a far far better way to do it. Sorry to promote them and only put their link but I really didn’t have the time today to put a bunch of links on today’s Blog. Anywho, they’re all about the same. (bulk tobacco I mean)
What bothers me is that there must have been a meeting at some point at which some Executives met and had to decide what to do with all, or may just one of, the chemicals that I listed above. HHmmmm. Let’s see, when did someone decide to put cadmium into cigarettes? I thought that this was just used in batteries but I have literature from the Mayo Clinic that says differently. Sounds like somebody’s lying . . . . Oh heavens no, the tobacco companies lie to us? No way!
Used to preserve dead animals, Formaldehyde; hmmm, now here’s another good one, now why would anyone put this particular chemical into a product unless they were just asking them to: “Hey, ya’ll just wanna burn that shit into the air fur us in yur cigarettes, that’d be real great, hey thanks man here’s a million dollars”. And I think it probably went about that quick of a meeting or a phone call. I’m not shitting you. You try and figure it out because I can’t and go up against big tobacco and you’ll probably get your ass kicked or worse.
There’s a couple that I can explain like the Butane that is used to keep the paper lit continually as the cigarette burns, that one makes some sense but the rest of them and then there’s good old Nicotine that brews up naturally in tobacco anyway but in Natural Tobacco it is far less than what is in the commercial because no is added. Good God they think we are all mindless goobers or something, well I have news for them, we’re not. We’re smart moe-foe’s with an attitude and we give a shit these days about our health.
And don’t start charging us more for this now moderately low priced stuff, speaking for myself anyway, I won’t stand for it. I will write to my Congressmen and to some Senators just to blow the whistle on big tobacco at some point. But I won’t for now. Nope, not me, for now I am just gonna be sit’n back and enjoying myself a rolled, naturally grown, tobacco cigarette in the comfort of my own home as I do my Blog each and every day. I may not smoke as much anymore but what I do smoke isn’t mixed with my kids chemistry set either.
That’s The Lazlo Report for January 24, 2007
I’m not a crazy non-smoker and I disagree with a lot of these laws about not letting people smoke in some places. I say that if it’s your bar and you want smoking in it then it’s your call. People go to bars expecting booze and smoke and if they want a bar without smoking then look one up in the yellow pages. However, I can go along with no smoking in restaurants so long as it’s always been a no smoking restaurant. If the clientele come there to smoke then there needs to be a sign outside that reads “This is a Smoking Establishment”.
But back to the list, here is a list of the insane things that the tobacco companies put into commercial tobacco that people smoke;
Acetone: nail polish remover
Ammonia: household cleaner
Angelica root extract: known to cause cancer in animals
Arsenic: used in rat poisons
Butane: gas, used in lighters
Carbon monoxide: poisonous gas
Cadmium: used in batteries
DDT: a banned insecticide
Ethyl Futoate: causes liver damage in animals
Formaldehyde: used to preserve dead things
Hydrazine: rocket fuel
Napthalene: ingredient in mothballs
Lead: poisonous in high doses
Methoprene: insecticide
Polonium: cancer causing radioactive element
Nicotine: Although they can survive a nuclear bomb, nicotine can kill cockroaches
Methyl isocyanate: In 1984, it’s accidental release in gas form killed 2000 people in Bhopal India
That is just the short list too! Good Lord people, when I saw that list for the first time I did try to quit smoking, again, as I have so many times before, with the gum and the patches but I just couldn’t do it.
What I turned to was something quite different and while I do not promote smoking, nor do I suggest anyone go out and start smoking, I defiantly think that going with Natural Tobacco is the way to go because it has none of the chemicals above and because it will save you about $3.40 a pack. If you smoke even the cheaper brands like I did, that’s like $102 per month in savings or over $1,200.00 per year.
The brand I smoke is Farmer’s Gold but there are several out there and then they make these pre-fab tubes that you use to push the tobacco into with a handy-dandy cool little tool that takes about twenty seconds to make one smoke once you get the hang of it. Like I said, I don’t promote smoking but if you do, and there are millions of people who do, it’s a far far better way to do it. Sorry to promote them and only put their link but I really didn’t have the time today to put a bunch of links on today’s Blog. Anywho, they’re all about the same. (bulk tobacco I mean)
What bothers me is that there must have been a meeting at some point at which some Executives met and had to decide what to do with all, or may just one of, the chemicals that I listed above. HHmmmm. Let’s see, when did someone decide to put cadmium into cigarettes? I thought that this was just used in batteries but I have literature from the Mayo Clinic that says differently. Sounds like somebody’s lying . . . . Oh heavens no, the tobacco companies lie to us? No way!
Used to preserve dead animals, Formaldehyde; hmmm, now here’s another good one, now why would anyone put this particular chemical into a product unless they were just asking them to: “Hey, ya’ll just wanna burn that shit into the air fur us in yur cigarettes, that’d be real great, hey thanks man here’s a million dollars”. And I think it probably went about that quick of a meeting or a phone call. I’m not shitting you. You try and figure it out because I can’t and go up against big tobacco and you’ll probably get your ass kicked or worse.
There’s a couple that I can explain like the Butane that is used to keep the paper lit continually as the cigarette burns, that one makes some sense but the rest of them and then there’s good old Nicotine that brews up naturally in tobacco anyway but in Natural Tobacco it is far less than what is in the commercial because no is added. Good God they think we are all mindless goobers or something, well I have news for them, we’re not. We’re smart moe-foe’s with an attitude and we give a shit these days about our health.
And don’t start charging us more for this now moderately low priced stuff, speaking for myself anyway, I won’t stand for it. I will write to my Congressmen and to some Senators just to blow the whistle on big tobacco at some point. But I won’t for now. Nope, not me, for now I am just gonna be sit’n back and enjoying myself a rolled, naturally grown, tobacco cigarette in the comfort of my own home as I do my Blog each and every day. I may not smoke as much anymore but what I do smoke isn’t mixed with my kids chemistry set either.
That’s The Lazlo Report for January 24, 2007
big tobacco,
farmers gold,
The Unusual Suspect
For the rest of the off time that I had, It has been spent reading Stephen Baldwin’s new book The Unusual Suspect. At first I was a little skeptical about a Baldwin becoming a Christian but the more I read, the more I see myself in his story.
Well, no I haven’t made millions making movies, playing everything from a hit man to a teenage littler-bugging boob, but I do see allot of my own childhood in him as I read his book. The way in which he grew up in a loving family was similar and had loving and suportive parents too.
I was also temped several times by the devil in several different situations that as I look back on them now seemed perfectly harmless but could have turned into such disaster that I would have sold my soul for sure, or at least lost my wife and children and gone to prison.
His description of his brother’s fight with his devils are worth mentioning because my brother lost his fight twenty-four years ago and although the devil took him, I will always love the lord that much more and miss my brother more than ever knowing that I will see my bro someday soon.
He also tells of his plight with his twelve step program and what an impact the third step made on him not to mention him wanting to stop drinking during which time I did too much earlier in my life. (I'm a little older that Stephen B by a coule of years) It was then that I knew in my heart of hearts that God was speaking to me in a way that I didn’t fully understand at the time but I do know now. God does have a mission and a plan for all of us set up by Him before birth to do His work for Him while we’re here and for some of us it just takes a bit longer for the plans to be revealed.
I was once out of town in a hotel room, a twice a week thing for me with the job I had, and even though I had been married for just a short time to my second wife I was still drinking, I was offered a line of cocaine with I gladly accepted, I went into the hotel room of this fellow traveler at the hotel and upon entering she removed her bathing suit top because we were out by the pool at the time. She looked over to me after we did our lines and asked me if I wanted to get lucky that night. Now I had a decision to make. I could have easily gotten away with cheating on my wife but God would have known and I would have known and I just had to tell her thank you for the drugs, (hey I was just being polite) that she had spectacular breasts, but that I was married and so no thank you. She then asked me if I wanted to go back to the pool and I gladly accepted and we spent another half an hour until the hotel people kicked us out for being out there too late.
The reason I tell this story is that I too had to deal with temptations just after learning that particular step in my program too and there’s more that I can relate to throughout his book, for me though the AA meetings were just a bunch of caffeine addicted folks and people smoking cigarettes so much that I almost couldn’t breath. The state that required it also used to take your word about going and now it’s all one big money making machine for MAD that state (not Ohio but they don’t get off scott free either) I’m not anti Mad or anti AA, they’re both good organizations but I found that inner strength was far more powerful than what I was learning out of a book. I had a monkey on my shoulder and I had to shake it, shake it like a Polaroid.
That's The Lazlo Report for January 23, 2007
Well, no I haven’t made millions making movies, playing everything from a hit man to a teenage littler-bugging boob, but I do see allot of my own childhood in him as I read his book. The way in which he grew up in a loving family was similar and had loving and suportive parents too.
I was also temped several times by the devil in several different situations that as I look back on them now seemed perfectly harmless but could have turned into such disaster that I would have sold my soul for sure, or at least lost my wife and children and gone to prison.
His description of his brother’s fight with his devils are worth mentioning because my brother lost his fight twenty-four years ago and although the devil took him, I will always love the lord that much more and miss my brother more than ever knowing that I will see my bro someday soon.
He also tells of his plight with his twelve step program and what an impact the third step made on him not to mention him wanting to stop drinking during which time I did too much earlier in my life. (I'm a little older that Stephen B by a coule of years) It was then that I knew in my heart of hearts that God was speaking to me in a way that I didn’t fully understand at the time but I do know now. God does have a mission and a plan for all of us set up by Him before birth to do His work for Him while we’re here and for some of us it just takes a bit longer for the plans to be revealed.
I was once out of town in a hotel room, a twice a week thing for me with the job I had, and even though I had been married for just a short time to my second wife I was still drinking, I was offered a line of cocaine with I gladly accepted, I went into the hotel room of this fellow traveler at the hotel and upon entering she removed her bathing suit top because we were out by the pool at the time. She looked over to me after we did our lines and asked me if I wanted to get lucky that night. Now I had a decision to make. I could have easily gotten away with cheating on my wife but God would have known and I would have known and I just had to tell her thank you for the drugs, (hey I was just being polite) that she had spectacular breasts, but that I was married and so no thank you. She then asked me if I wanted to go back to the pool and I gladly accepted and we spent another half an hour until the hotel people kicked us out for being out there too late.
The reason I tell this story is that I too had to deal with temptations just after learning that particular step in my program too and there’s more that I can relate to throughout his book, for me though the AA meetings were just a bunch of caffeine addicted folks and people smoking cigarettes so much that I almost couldn’t breath. The state that required it also used to take your word about going and now it’s all one big money making machine for MAD that state (not Ohio but they don’t get off scott free either) I’m not anti Mad or anti AA, they’re both good organizations but I found that inner strength was far more powerful than what I was learning out of a book. I had a monkey on my shoulder and I had to shake it, shake it like a Polaroid.
That's The Lazlo Report for January 23, 2007
Jesus Christ,
Lazlo Hofstedder,
The Bible,
unusual suspects,
usual suspects
I Just Have To Get Away From It Sometime
Sometimes you say to yourself “screw this”, ya know? “I’ve had enough of all of the politics and doom all the time” so this blog is going to be a little different for a change and I am just going to type for the sake of typing.
For those of you who know me well, and there are many, I do this a lot where I go off on a tangent and just type as I think. No editing, no fact-checking, no spell check (well ok Microsoft does the spell checking) but anyway I do just sit here at my keyboard and as I think I put it up there on the screen and if it isn’t retarded then I’ll go ahead and submit it as a Blog. I’ve done it before and I’ll probably do it again.
Most predominant in my life right now is my religion. I have found a new found love for God that is pretty hard to explain. It’s like sticking my head out of a NASCAR window and doing that wind tunnel thing with my mouth while I’m doing 210 mile an hour still knowing that I’ll be perfectly safe but I have no seat belts or whatever they wear.
I grew up in a house where my mom tried to drag us off to church every Sunday until at about age 13 when it started to become a beauty pageant at the Sunday School and when we complained to my dad about it he gave us the reprieve we all as siblings rejoiced. Still, all throughout my life I knew that I was a good guy, I was no preacher, but I was a good guy.
I never got into much trouble except for attention around the hose. While my so-called friends were off cutting school and pinching candy bars from the local 7-11 and Stop-n-Go, sometimes the Circle-K, I was at home talking with my mom trying to figure out how to cook or I was hanging out with my dad as he cleaned out his Laundromats that he had to own just to help raise four kids.
That might sound uppity “had to own Laundromats” but believe me owning four Laundromats wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. He got robbed all the time, the washers broke down allot, I had to go with him all the time to clean lint out of the dryers as well as other cleaning duties that I didn’t want to do. He did a shitload of cleaning himself too on hindsight.
Some of my favorite memories with my dad were at those damn laundries though because even though it was about money, which I gave mostly to him because he needed it more than I did, we set up traps for people’s cash as it ame out of their cloths as they washed it. The washers that were built back in the 1960's had no way of catching any of the coins and paper money that came out of them so my dad and I invented these screens that we fit onto the drains that caught just coins and paper as it came out of machines. Shit like hair and crap would go right by but oh boy we would sometimes make $200 to $250 a weekend in change and bills between the large tub washers down to the large lint catchers on the dryers, Oh-laalaa the dryers back then were a dime ok? Well nevermind........ I feel a little bad now but back then I was in heaven because it made my dad real happy when I paid for dinner for the night. Well, I will pick this up in a day or two but I just had to post sometime today.
Chow my friends
That The Lazlo Report for January 22, 2007
For those of you who know me well, and there are many, I do this a lot where I go off on a tangent and just type as I think. No editing, no fact-checking, no spell check (well ok Microsoft does the spell checking) but anyway I do just sit here at my keyboard and as I think I put it up there on the screen and if it isn’t retarded then I’ll go ahead and submit it as a Blog. I’ve done it before and I’ll probably do it again.
Most predominant in my life right now is my religion. I have found a new found love for God that is pretty hard to explain. It’s like sticking my head out of a NASCAR window and doing that wind tunnel thing with my mouth while I’m doing 210 mile an hour still knowing that I’ll be perfectly safe but I have no seat belts or whatever they wear.
I grew up in a house where my mom tried to drag us off to church every Sunday until at about age 13 when it started to become a beauty pageant at the Sunday School and when we complained to my dad about it he gave us the reprieve we all as siblings rejoiced. Still, all throughout my life I knew that I was a good guy, I was no preacher, but I was a good guy.
I never got into much trouble except for attention around the hose. While my so-called friends were off cutting school and pinching candy bars from the local 7-11 and Stop-n-Go, sometimes the Circle-K, I was at home talking with my mom trying to figure out how to cook or I was hanging out with my dad as he cleaned out his Laundromats that he had to own just to help raise four kids.
That might sound uppity “had to own Laundromats” but believe me owning four Laundromats wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. He got robbed all the time, the washers broke down allot, I had to go with him all the time to clean lint out of the dryers as well as other cleaning duties that I didn’t want to do. He did a shitload of cleaning himself too on hindsight.
Some of my favorite memories with my dad were at those damn laundries though because even though it was about money, which I gave mostly to him because he needed it more than I did, we set up traps for people’s cash as it ame out of their cloths as they washed it. The washers that were built back in the 1960's had no way of catching any of the coins and paper money that came out of them so my dad and I invented these screens that we fit onto the drains that caught just coins and paper as it came out of machines. Shit like hair and crap would go right by but oh boy we would sometimes make $200 to $250 a weekend in change and bills between the large tub washers down to the large lint catchers on the dryers, Oh-laalaa the dryers back then were a dime ok? Well nevermind........ I feel a little bad now but back then I was in heaven because it made my dad real happy when I paid for dinner for the night. Well, I will pick this up in a day or two but I just had to post sometime today.
Chow my friends
That The Lazlo Report for January 22, 2007
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