The Lazlo Report is the overall thoughts of Lazlo T. Hofstedder after watching the world go around each day and watching how people act toward each other, not only in his life but in all of society, today , yesterday and how it will effect the future. NOTE: The Ads on this site DO NOT necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Author or the Writers of this site. If you disagree please contact Google Ads and not this Webmaster. Thank You.
Valerie Plame is a what
Valerie Plame finally talked today and I have been waiting to weigh in myself.
She says that she’s an agent for the US Government; oh yeah, she’s an agent, an for the Democrats and the Democratic Ticket willing to do anything and say anything so smear the President in this day and age.
She said that she didn’t send her husband to Africa to see who was buying Yellow Cake; (yellow cake is a form of low grade uranium mostly found near Niger) Well while I don’t have any evidence disputing thing I wouldn’t put it past the spies within our own government not to have had her send her husband as part of her “other job” and in doing so it was just a ploy to hurt the President regardless of how you look at it. She was used as a pawn like any other.
Understanding this whole game that they play there in Washington isn’t as hard as one might think. All you need is a vast collection of movies dating back to the 1930’s and a mind that will allow you to disconnect from reality when you need to. The people and players of these games are as real as the games that they play and Valerie Plame, while she may be a hottie to some, is just a bitter, Bush bashing blond with a new pink wardrobe hitting the circuits on Friday and no one is listening.
That’s the Lazlo Report for March 16, 2007
She says that she’s an agent for the US Government; oh yeah, she’s an agent, an for the Democrats and the Democratic Ticket willing to do anything and say anything so smear the President in this day and age.
She said that she didn’t send her husband to Africa to see who was buying Yellow Cake; (yellow cake is a form of low grade uranium mostly found near Niger) Well while I don’t have any evidence disputing thing I wouldn’t put it past the spies within our own government not to have had her send her husband as part of her “other job” and in doing so it was just a ploy to hurt the President regardless of how you look at it. She was used as a pawn like any other.
Understanding this whole game that they play there in Washington isn’t as hard as one might think. All you need is a vast collection of movies dating back to the 1930’s and a mind that will allow you to disconnect from reality when you need to. The people and players of these games are as real as the games that they play and Valerie Plame, while she may be a hottie to some, is just a bitter, Bush bashing blond with a new pink wardrobe hitting the circuits on Friday and no one is listening.
That’s the Lazlo Report for March 16, 2007
valerie plame,
yellow cake uranium
The Inconvenient bull
The Inconvenient Truth My Round American Butt
The Inconvenient bull, a pseudonym I came up with for the name of the movie made by the former Vice President of the United States who in his movie starts off by introducing himself by saying that he was our next former President WHICH HE WASN’T! Dude, you didn’t win, get over it, or is it Tipper crying every night saying “I wanted to be another Jackie”. Oh that woman gives me the heebie-jeebies with her putting content stickers on CDs and DVDs; what’s next Tipper, burning books?
I was sort of sympathetic to his cause to a point until it came it came to the part about the election in Florida in 2000. Now what the hell does that have to do with Global warming I ask you? Nothing! Al Gore lost that election fair and square and for him to make a video about global warming and then to come on and use it for propaganda about his left wing agenda is just down right dirty as usual , playing the same political games as the Clintons as taught by James Carville. And while we’re on the subject of him bullshitting us; he did not invent the internet.
The USSR's launch of Sputnik spurred the United States to create the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA, later known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA) in February 1958 to regain a technological lead. ARPA created the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) to further the research of the Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) program, which had networked country-wide radar systems together for the first time. J. C. R. Licklider was selected to head the IPTO, and saw universal networking as a potential unifying human revolution.
In 1950, Licklider moved from the Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory at Harvard University to MIT where he served on a committee that established MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He worked on the SAGE project. In 1957 he became a Vice President at BBN, where he bought the first production PDP-1 computer and conducted the first public demonstration of time-sharing.
Licklider recruited Lawrence Roberts to head a project to implement a network, and Roberts based the technology on the work of Paul Baran who had written an exhaustive study for the U.S. Air Force that recommended packet switching (as opposed to Circuit switching) to make a network highly robust and survivable. After much work, the first node went live at UCLA on October 29, 1969 on what would be called the ARPANET, one of the "eve" networks of today's Internet
Back then they just called it networking between colleges and they would play games like crude chess and transfer term papers and stuff like that. Networking is the bases for all programming and it’s how the internet works even today but just a bit more complicated and with a little more bells and whistles. Again it wasn’t the former Vice President or anyone like him that “invented” the internet, it invented itself and we, us old time geeks, made it happen.
Back in the early 1970’s however, Robert Metcalf over at Xerox, which couldn’t have been him either, (I don’t know Maybe Al Gore was a spy too) used to use a program called Ethernet. Mr. Metcalf invented it for the printers in the building but the network had to be fast enough to drive the very fast new laser printers; and it had to connect hundreds of computers within the same building. Never before had hundreds of computers been in the same building -- at that time no one had more than one, two or maybe three computers in operation on any one premise. In 1979 the guy that invented it went off on his own to promote his idea and mostly colleges went for it at first like flying geeks to a pond.
But there’s more to this story than me just ragging on Mr. Gore about his bull too. This claim about global warming is just way too slanted to my view as well. Ok, he says that in the past 650,000 years there has been a steady record of not going over a certain level of green house gases and at this point in history MAN has taken us to a point in which we are at way over the 300 mark and that scientists don’t dispute this figure.
A) No, they don’t dispute that we are over the 300ppm figure
B) Scientists all agree that man is warming the earth, ok I can go with him on that too.
C) Notice however that his same scientists don’t jump on board to his arbitrary 650,000 year figure. Why not measure 1 million years or two million years and see if there is the same spike somewhere and I’ll bet that there will be one somewhere soon for our future. I’ll bet that we’re looking at another ice age coming.
D) That figure that he came up with could be because we’re looking at a catastrophic volcano or an impact of a comet; he doesn’t mention that does he?
E) History always repeats itself and this spike is in somehow the reproduction of something in the past to be explained by science but he fails to mention any of this.
My feeling is that souls are being let out through the ozone into the heavens because the world is coming to an end and the world is too full of souls; up to over 6 billion plus. This sounds, like I said, a little strange but Hebrews 11:1 tells us that faith is something that you can’t see, it’s just something that you know is there; you either have it or you don’t.
Next he brought up the rising temperatures across the world but in particular what happened in the Gulf Coast and Hurricane Katrina. It seems that that’s about when he kicked in with his campaign bull**** and him loosing the election and what he would have done differently had he been president. Well first of all Mr. Gore, it wasn’t President Bush’s fault that a category 3-4 hurricane hit the Gulf Coast. It was a combination of events that culminated and escalated to the breaking point and their were many people to blame, least of which were the President in my opinion.
What I would like to know is that you and Bill Clinton were in office for EIGHT YEARS before it happened, what did you do to prevent this disaster or anything about global warming for that matter, Hmmm?. How will history write it’s final analysis about you and Bill Clinton when it comes to doing something about all of this mess during the eight years while you were in office, not the “projected” four years that you wanted to get into office because everyone wants to blame things on Bush.
Naturally three quarters of the way through Mr. Gore had to pay complement to his Chinese friends saying that they are “on the cutting edge of technology” when as we know he is still under investigation for campaign contribution problems by the feds and so is the Chinese that he speaks so highly of.
Well I’ve laid the ground work for many of you so please, spend the money and go out and spend your time watching this so called documentary when all it’s really about is Al Gore whining again that he didn’t win the 2000 election and that he and a very large group of today’s scientists believe that we’re all going to die soon and that somehow it’s all George Bush’s fault. Again, that’s my opinion and as they say in Apocalypse Now: “Opinions are like assholes Red, everybody got one”, or is that “You gotta die sometime Red”; I don’t know I get the two mixed up.
That’s the Lazlo Report for March 15th, 2007
The Inconvenient bull, a pseudonym I came up with for the name of the movie made by the former Vice President of the United States who in his movie starts off by introducing himself by saying that he was our next former President WHICH HE WASN’T! Dude, you didn’t win, get over it, or is it Tipper crying every night saying “I wanted to be another Jackie”. Oh that woman gives me the heebie-jeebies with her putting content stickers on CDs and DVDs; what’s next Tipper, burning books?
I was sort of sympathetic to his cause to a point until it came it came to the part about the election in Florida in 2000. Now what the hell does that have to do with Global warming I ask you? Nothing! Al Gore lost that election fair and square and for him to make a video about global warming and then to come on and use it for propaganda about his left wing agenda is just down right dirty as usual , playing the same political games as the Clintons as taught by James Carville. And while we’re on the subject of him bullshitting us; he did not invent the internet.
The USSR's launch of Sputnik spurred the United States to create the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA, later known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA) in February 1958 to regain a technological lead. ARPA created the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) to further the research of the Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) program, which had networked country-wide radar systems together for the first time. J. C. R. Licklider was selected to head the IPTO, and saw universal networking as a potential unifying human revolution.
In 1950, Licklider moved from the Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory at Harvard University to MIT where he served on a committee that established MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He worked on the SAGE project. In 1957 he became a Vice President at BBN, where he bought the first production PDP-1 computer and conducted the first public demonstration of time-sharing.
Licklider recruited Lawrence Roberts to head a project to implement a network, and Roberts based the technology on the work of Paul Baran who had written an exhaustive study for the U.S. Air Force that recommended packet switching (as opposed to Circuit switching) to make a network highly robust and survivable. After much work, the first node went live at UCLA on October 29, 1969 on what would be called the ARPANET, one of the "eve" networks of today's Internet
Back then they just called it networking between colleges and they would play games like crude chess and transfer term papers and stuff like that. Networking is the bases for all programming and it’s how the internet works even today but just a bit more complicated and with a little more bells and whistles. Again it wasn’t the former Vice President or anyone like him that “invented” the internet, it invented itself and we, us old time geeks, made it happen.
Back in the early 1970’s however, Robert Metcalf over at Xerox, which couldn’t have been him either, (I don’t know Maybe Al Gore was a spy too) used to use a program called Ethernet. Mr. Metcalf invented it for the printers in the building but the network had to be fast enough to drive the very fast new laser printers; and it had to connect hundreds of computers within the same building. Never before had hundreds of computers been in the same building -- at that time no one had more than one, two or maybe three computers in operation on any one premise. In 1979 the guy that invented it went off on his own to promote his idea and mostly colleges went for it at first like flying geeks to a pond.
But there’s more to this story than me just ragging on Mr. Gore about his bull too. This claim about global warming is just way too slanted to my view as well. Ok, he says that in the past 650,000 years there has been a steady record of not going over a certain level of green house gases and at this point in history MAN has taken us to a point in which we are at way over the 300 mark and that scientists don’t dispute this figure.
A) No, they don’t dispute that we are over the 300ppm figure
B) Scientists all agree that man is warming the earth, ok I can go with him on that too.
C) Notice however that his same scientists don’t jump on board to his arbitrary 650,000 year figure. Why not measure 1 million years or two million years and see if there is the same spike somewhere and I’ll bet that there will be one somewhere soon for our future. I’ll bet that we’re looking at another ice age coming.
D) That figure that he came up with could be because we’re looking at a catastrophic volcano or an impact of a comet; he doesn’t mention that does he?
E) History always repeats itself and this spike is in somehow the reproduction of something in the past to be explained by science but he fails to mention any of this.
My feeling is that souls are being let out through the ozone into the heavens because the world is coming to an end and the world is too full of souls; up to over 6 billion plus. This sounds, like I said, a little strange but Hebrews 11:1 tells us that faith is something that you can’t see, it’s just something that you know is there; you either have it or you don’t.
Next he brought up the rising temperatures across the world but in particular what happened in the Gulf Coast and Hurricane Katrina. It seems that that’s about when he kicked in with his campaign bull**** and him loosing the election and what he would have done differently had he been president. Well first of all Mr. Gore, it wasn’t President Bush’s fault that a category 3-4 hurricane hit the Gulf Coast. It was a combination of events that culminated and escalated to the breaking point and their were many people to blame, least of which were the President in my opinion.
What I would like to know is that you and Bill Clinton were in office for EIGHT YEARS before it happened, what did you do to prevent this disaster or anything about global warming for that matter, Hmmm?. How will history write it’s final analysis about you and Bill Clinton when it comes to doing something about all of this mess during the eight years while you were in office, not the “projected” four years that you wanted to get into office because everyone wants to blame things on Bush.
Naturally three quarters of the way through Mr. Gore had to pay complement to his Chinese friends saying that they are “on the cutting edge of technology” when as we know he is still under investigation for campaign contribution problems by the feds and so is the Chinese that he speaks so highly of.
Well I’ve laid the ground work for many of you so please, spend the money and go out and spend your time watching this so called documentary when all it’s really about is Al Gore whining again that he didn’t win the 2000 election and that he and a very large group of today’s scientists believe that we’re all going to die soon and that somehow it’s all George Bush’s fault. Again, that’s my opinion and as they say in Apocalypse Now: “Opinions are like assholes Red, everybody got one”, or is that “You gotta die sometime Red”; I don’t know I get the two mixed up.
That’s the Lazlo Report for March 15th, 2007
Citgo Gas Report - March 2007
This is so important that I wasn’t to post it on the Lazlo report and have everyone copy and post it everywhere. Please DO IT!!
Hugo Chavez is NOW getting a Russian Weapons Factory built by Putin.
The RUSSIANS are building an AK-47 Kalashnikov Assault Rifle factory in Venezuela, to give armament support to Communist Rebel groups throughout the Americas.
Chavez NOW has IRANIANS operating his oil refineries in Venezuela for him. It is likely only a matter of time, if not already, before Chavez has Iranian built LONG RANGE missiles, with a variety of warhead types aimed at: Guess Who?
CITGO is NOW in the process of Changing Its Name to PETRO EXPRESS due to the loss of gasoline sales in the USA due to the recent publicity of ownership by Chavez of Venezuela
Every dollar you spend with CITGO or PETRO EXPRESS gasoline will be used against you, your basic human rights, and your freedom! He will start wars here in the Americas that will probably be the death of millions of free people.
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT because Chavez is starting to feel the loss of revenue from his holdings.
Like I say folks, Pass this on to as many people as you can and don’t buy this dude’s gas!!!
God bless
That’s the Lazlo Report for March 15th, 2007
Hugo Chavez is NOW getting a Russian Weapons Factory built by Putin.
The RUSSIANS are building an AK-47 Kalashnikov Assault Rifle factory in Venezuela, to give armament support to Communist Rebel groups throughout the Americas.
Chavez NOW has IRANIANS operating his oil refineries in Venezuela for him. It is likely only a matter of time, if not already, before Chavez has Iranian built LONG RANGE missiles, with a variety of warhead types aimed at: Guess Who?
CITGO is NOW in the process of Changing Its Name to PETRO EXPRESS due to the loss of gasoline sales in the USA due to the recent publicity of ownership by Chavez of Venezuela
Every dollar you spend with CITGO or PETRO EXPRESS gasoline will be used against you, your basic human rights, and your freedom! He will start wars here in the Americas that will probably be the death of millions of free people.
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT because Chavez is starting to feel the loss of revenue from his holdings.
Like I say folks, Pass this on to as many people as you can and don’t buy this dude’s gas!!!
God bless
That’s the Lazlo Report for March 15th, 2007
Thompson for President
From Actor to Senator to President; I'm Game
Senator Fred Thompson is sending out an exploratory committee to see whether or not it would be viable for him to run for President in 2008. In my opinion he would not only be a good choice for President but he is probably the best choice we have for President.
Thompson, a Senator from Tennessee was born in Sheffield, Ala. in 1942. He attended Memphis State University in 1964 where he graduated; he was admitted to the Tennessee bar in 1967 and commenced the practice of law; was the assistant US attorney from 1969 to1972; minority counsel, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities (“Watergate Committee”) from 1973 to1974 (pretty impressive for a 21yrld); special counsel to Tennessee Governor Lamar Alexander in 1980; special counsel, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations from 1980 to1981; special counsel, Senate Intelligence Committee in1982; member, Tennessee Appellate Court Nominating Commission from 1985 to1987; actor; elected as a Republican to the United States Senate in the November 8, 1994, special election to fill the unexpired portion of the term ending January 3, 1997, left vacant by the resignation of Albert Gore, Jr.; took the oath of office on December 2, 1994; reelected in 1996 for the term ending January 3, 2003; not a candidate for reelection in 2002; held chair, Committee on Governmental Affairs (One Hundred Fifth and One Hundred Sixth Congresses; One Hundred Seventh Congress [January 20, 2001-June 6, 2001]); Mr. Thompson resumed his acting career.
So although Mr. Thompson no longer sits on any committees, even though he no longer works anywhere near Washington DC for that matter I would still not only vote for the man but I would campaign for him; and I’ll tell you why. Just look at the above resume’ and then watch him in action on the Senate floor, look at his track record in voting and last of all look at the difference between his acting and his government work face, there isn’t any, they’re the same which means that he’s incredibly honest or the perfect actor and there isn’t one. (you’ll have to get out the VCR to do what I just described)
Oh I’ve heard the stories about when Mr. Thompson was running for the Senate and he bought a brand new red pick up truck and drove around Tennessee with Al Gore following behind on his moped while Tipper rode the skate board, (she probably needed the exorcize anyway, don’t know wasn’t my joke) anyway supposedly one guy says ”ey man, wuts see shuuten dem dur trash bags fur anyhow?” My sincerest apologies to my friends in Tennessee for the past use of verbiage, it was completely unnecessary to get my point across but realism is just so fun sometimes. The reason for bringing that story up is that he had the will power to campaign in a state that he wasn’t born in.
Now you have to figure that if you were going to run for an office as high as Senator that you would run in the state in which you were born; heads up Mrs. Clinton. But Mr. Thompson ran against Al Gore who surprisingly was born in Washington DC so he was a transplant himself. Personally I think the reason he won that race was the same reason the Republicans were winning all over the US at the time and that was that the people were sick of the Clintons and anyone who were related to the Clintons. This however doesn’t explain Hilary’s climb up the ladder but that’s another story, one that I hope not to have to tell.
Today’s America is filled with too much debauchery; if you read some of my earlier blogs I have written plenty about it. I’ve written about the Seven Deadly Sins and how someone is messing with them. I’ve written about God and how much it means to me and how everyone should take a closer look at Him in their lives. I’ve written about allot of things but I’ve kept on track when it comes to my mission and that is to spread His word and to speak my mind on whatever issue is important to me on any given day. Well today it’s Fred Thompson and I think he should run for President.
From another blog site from which there were thousands of postings just like the following, this is just a random picken’s that I plucked out and copied:
“Fred Dalton Thompson is a man of integrity, strength of character, intelligence and experience. He was a great senator for Tennessee during his time in Washington. We were fortunate to have his wonderful service to our great Volunteer state. Our country would prosper and regain its military strength and world-wide respect under this great American as the leader of the free world”
So as you can see I’m not the only one that feels that Fred Dalton Thompson would make a great 47th President in 2008.
The only way to help this country is to not spend dollars outside of the US. Don’t go on vacation to Europe and give your money to the French or the Germans anymore. Don’t give it away to large corporations like Visa and MasterCard so that the money goes out of the country anyway; keep it here in the US where it belongs. Take your family to the Grand Canyon but drive there and stay at the mom & pop places. Spend your vacation money at small business’ that make America grow instead of making big business grow because those dollars of yours are not staying here in the US; they go to Saudi Arabia when you buy certain types of gasoline, they go down to butthole boy when you buy Citgo Gas and I think it’s only Atlantic Richfield who at least we’ve merged with the British Petroleum Company. If our dollars are going to go out of the US I rather see them go to the UK than the Middle East. Now, ask me why and it’s because of us having to spend so much money fighting a war on terror which is something that Fred Thompson also knows allot about.
Not just because he’s an actor and has played all of those really cool aircraft carrier movies, no; because he was on the Senate Select Intelligence Committee which are to the people who know their shit, to put it bluntly, a bad ass Senate-man. He’s dinned with world leaders and he’s been in our Strategic Command Center. He’s acted with the likes of the Baldwins to the Zegwellers and it cracks me up that in one person’s website I read that he always portrays a roll of the “big head redneck” where he comes to the rescue at the last minute usually in a military or political role. Hmmm, and that sometimes, even as he started his acting career, he played himself allot; well duh! That’s who he is, that’s what he does for a living, or did anyway.
With any help though he’ll be back and hopefully he can make a few extra dollars making a movie called “While I Was in Office” and I can help produce it. We’ll keep it under wraps until the Senator is out of office and then show off his amazing talents for bringing down the Taliban once and for all, paying off the National debt, bringing down gasoline prices and then seeking out and destroying our worst enemy, well ok we’ll leave old Hillary alone.
That’s the Lazlo Report for March 12, 2007
Senator Fred Thompson is sending out an exploratory committee to see whether or not it would be viable for him to run for President in 2008. In my opinion he would not only be a good choice for President but he is probably the best choice we have for President.
Thompson, a Senator from Tennessee was born in Sheffield, Ala. in 1942. He attended Memphis State University in 1964 where he graduated; he was admitted to the Tennessee bar in 1967 and commenced the practice of law; was the assistant US attorney from 1969 to1972; minority counsel, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities (“Watergate Committee”) from 1973 to1974 (pretty impressive for a 21yrld); special counsel to Tennessee Governor Lamar Alexander in 1980; special counsel, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations from 1980 to1981; special counsel, Senate Intelligence Committee in1982; member, Tennessee Appellate Court Nominating Commission from 1985 to1987; actor; elected as a Republican to the United States Senate in the November 8, 1994, special election to fill the unexpired portion of the term ending January 3, 1997, left vacant by the resignation of Albert Gore, Jr.; took the oath of office on December 2, 1994; reelected in 1996 for the term ending January 3, 2003; not a candidate for reelection in 2002; held chair, Committee on Governmental Affairs (One Hundred Fifth and One Hundred Sixth Congresses; One Hundred Seventh Congress [January 20, 2001-June 6, 2001]); Mr. Thompson resumed his acting career.
So although Mr. Thompson no longer sits on any committees, even though he no longer works anywhere near Washington DC for that matter I would still not only vote for the man but I would campaign for him; and I’ll tell you why. Just look at the above resume’ and then watch him in action on the Senate floor, look at his track record in voting and last of all look at the difference between his acting and his government work face, there isn’t any, they’re the same which means that he’s incredibly honest or the perfect actor and there isn’t one. (you’ll have to get out the VCR to do what I just described)
Oh I’ve heard the stories about when Mr. Thompson was running for the Senate and he bought a brand new red pick up truck and drove around Tennessee with Al Gore following behind on his moped while Tipper rode the skate board, (she probably needed the exorcize anyway, don’t know wasn’t my joke) anyway supposedly one guy says ”ey man, wuts see shuuten dem dur trash bags fur anyhow?” My sincerest apologies to my friends in Tennessee for the past use of verbiage, it was completely unnecessary to get my point across but realism is just so fun sometimes. The reason for bringing that story up is that he had the will power to campaign in a state that he wasn’t born in.
Now you have to figure that if you were going to run for an office as high as Senator that you would run in the state in which you were born; heads up Mrs. Clinton. But Mr. Thompson ran against Al Gore who surprisingly was born in Washington DC so he was a transplant himself. Personally I think the reason he won that race was the same reason the Republicans were winning all over the US at the time and that was that the people were sick of the Clintons and anyone who were related to the Clintons. This however doesn’t explain Hilary’s climb up the ladder but that’s another story, one that I hope not to have to tell.
Today’s America is filled with too much debauchery; if you read some of my earlier blogs I have written plenty about it. I’ve written about the Seven Deadly Sins and how someone is messing with them. I’ve written about God and how much it means to me and how everyone should take a closer look at Him in their lives. I’ve written about allot of things but I’ve kept on track when it comes to my mission and that is to spread His word and to speak my mind on whatever issue is important to me on any given day. Well today it’s Fred Thompson and I think he should run for President.
From another blog site from which there were thousands of postings just like the following, this is just a random picken’s that I plucked out and copied:
“Fred Dalton Thompson is a man of integrity, strength of character, intelligence and experience. He was a great senator for Tennessee during his time in Washington. We were fortunate to have his wonderful service to our great Volunteer state. Our country would prosper and regain its military strength and world-wide respect under this great American as the leader of the free world”
So as you can see I’m not the only one that feels that Fred Dalton Thompson would make a great 47th President in 2008.
The only way to help this country is to not spend dollars outside of the US. Don’t go on vacation to Europe and give your money to the French or the Germans anymore. Don’t give it away to large corporations like Visa and MasterCard so that the money goes out of the country anyway; keep it here in the US where it belongs. Take your family to the Grand Canyon but drive there and stay at the mom & pop places. Spend your vacation money at small business’ that make America grow instead of making big business grow because those dollars of yours are not staying here in the US; they go to Saudi Arabia when you buy certain types of gasoline, they go down to butthole boy when you buy Citgo Gas and I think it’s only Atlantic Richfield who at least we’ve merged with the British Petroleum Company. If our dollars are going to go out of the US I rather see them go to the UK than the Middle East. Now, ask me why and it’s because of us having to spend so much money fighting a war on terror which is something that Fred Thompson also knows allot about.
Not just because he’s an actor and has played all of those really cool aircraft carrier movies, no; because he was on the Senate Select Intelligence Committee which are to the people who know their shit, to put it bluntly, a bad ass Senate-man. He’s dinned with world leaders and he’s been in our Strategic Command Center. He’s acted with the likes of the Baldwins to the Zegwellers and it cracks me up that in one person’s website I read that he always portrays a roll of the “big head redneck” where he comes to the rescue at the last minute usually in a military or political role. Hmmm, and that sometimes, even as he started his acting career, he played himself allot; well duh! That’s who he is, that’s what he does for a living, or did anyway.
With any help though he’ll be back and hopefully he can make a few extra dollars making a movie called “While I Was in Office” and I can help produce it. We’ll keep it under wraps until the Senator is out of office and then show off his amazing talents for bringing down the Taliban once and for all, paying off the National debt, bringing down gasoline prices and then seeking out and destroying our worst enemy, well ok we’ll leave old Hillary alone.
That’s the Lazlo Report for March 12, 2007
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