The Lazlo Report is the overall thoughts of Lazlo T. Hofstedder after watching the world go around each day and watching how people act toward each other, not only in his life but in all of society, today , yesterday and how it will effect the future.

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My Epiphany

By reading something in a book I recently bought and by listening to an audio clip made several decades ago by Abbott and Costello, the one called Who’s On First, it is easy now to believe in the Lord and to clearly see for the first time what He has for me in the future.

If you listen to the clip, and I hope you do, the question and answer is Who, First Base remains to be faith and all you have to do is round the track of life with God nearing each base and God is not only the question but also the answer. That’s what was so funny about the skit because poor Lou seemed to get upset by the notion that you couldn’t answer a question with another question or in this case the answer. Isn’t that what people have told you in the past? Life is that simple dude and dudettes, a goddamn skit about a game of baseball. AHH Blasphemy!! No I didn't; I didn't capitalize His name and that's the difference. Grow up people.

We all are searching for an answer to our questions of Who, what and where but we get frustrated when we are given the answer that is right there in front of our faces. That is the premise of the skit and that of life. God is the answer as well as the question in every facet of your life and all you have to do is to stop thinking in one dimensional thinking and open up to the word of the Lord.

I urge you to bring up another browser and to listen to the Abbott and Costello routine at I also urge to go out and buy Stephen Baldwin’s book at Amazon or directly at his site at I give these two plugs free of charge because I am walking with the Lord these days and not with my pocket book. I have tried to contact Mr. Baldwin with an idea about a new of a T.V. series that will be just as well written, entertaining, suspenseful and successful as the X-Files. (As an example) I had also picked him as the star of this "PG" rated TV show in which there is no crappy political agenda, there is no partial nudity but the ages 14 to 35 will love this show, and there is no reason for bleeping out any language because Jesus Christ did not speak English. The main message of the show however is to teach the word of God and the story of the Bible (subliminally) I can’t say much more or I will blow it. We will take our script to the censor on that basis, "Jesus didn’t speak English" so if we don't use a word against another person, it isn't cussing. We just do little shit like that sparingly, get it? If and when he gets back to me it's fine because I now see that my mission is bigger than him and bigger than I could have imagined.

I must go out into the world and take the word of God with me. I must keep writing this blog to reach as many of you as I can to spread His word. “Shucks, I may be a simple man but kids like me and dogs follow me around;” I love that, I heard that on a Twilight Zone, but it’s true for me. I really am just a simple guy with a simple message; Love God. Be good to yourself and to others. It’s not such a hard thing to do, shit we all learned how to be good as little kids when we wanted something from our parents right? Well God and Jesus are our ultimate parents and if we want salvation then we must act like decent human beings and He will give us those things.

I ain’t saying that every day is a bed of roses. Everybody has a bad day and has to deal with assholes, I know I do, but my point is that even that person is the son or daughter of God so try and be nice would ya? As you can tell I am no Shakespeare when it comes to preaching the word of God. I use language that may not be appropriate in some cases; and I do know when not to use such words of the English language. There just comes a time when you have to throw off the gloves and say THAT’S IT! I can’t take this shit any longer and just start typing. That’s what I have been doing for years but I didn’t know it until just a few weeks ago. God has been telling me what to do and has guided me into this very moment. GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY!!!

Well, my fingers are tired and I have other things on my mind right now but as I said please go to those sites and pick up what I said, you won’t be disappointed.

That’s the Lazlo Report for Saturday February 17, 2007


Anonymous said...

Right spirit wrong langauge.
like @#$!^%&%# and ^^))(&*#$

Anonymous said...

yeh but your harts in the right place

Lazlo T. Hofstedder said...

Thanks for the feedback. It seems like I'm talking to myself sometimes but really if you read around I've mentioned several times that A) this site is not really for kids and B) if I've said it once I've said it a million times "Jesus Christ did not speak English". I am a Christian and I DO speak English, I just know when and where not to use certian words of the language, when it's propper rather, something I learned in grade school. I may spell like crap but my grammor was much better, huh - funny, and then again I used to make up words like all teenagers did - wierd huh? :-)