The Lazlo Report is the overall thoughts of Lazlo T. Hofstedder after watching the world go around each day and watching how people act toward each other, not only in his life but in all of society, today , yesterday and how it will effect the future.

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Some Day’s It Just Does, Oh Yeah, The Bank of America Deal

“It” being shit and it some days shit just happens. Yep, shit just does and it happens to me allot these days.

I had this tattoo put on my left arm several years ago but I did it as a joke. It was the finished piece to the court jester also on my left arm, or so I thought, that I had tattooed there probably twenty-five years earlier. You see I am quite the jokester once you get me fired up. I can spin a tale of yarn mighty wide if you give me the started but that’s the kid in me trying to get out. I like that too, it gets me in trouble sometimes and my wife keeps me grounded when I need it. In the past few years after becoming disabled however I had become a bit biter and I know by outside appearances a little, OK allot, gray. I didn’t loose that inner child though; that was still inside of me. Also inside of me was what I call the teaching of my parents. Not necessarily just my mom & dad but them plus what I learned at school and Sunday school. So you have my ultimate parents and my real parents both.

So now as I’ve gotten older and I have found the Lord and I am watching television and I’m getting all pissed off and I have to write a blog about it today and it dawns on me that “hey dude, God is speaking through you today and shit is happening to you today too” So, shit really does happen, wow, what a concept! Not that it’s that entirely complex ya know. I mean I said it pretty well in one of my last blogs. Kids like me and dogs follow me around. I still love the way that sounds, I wish that I had said that, anyway.

This Bank of America deal with them letting illegal immigrants get credit cards here in this country is just wrong. My wife and I have worked hard to achieve the credit that we have and it has taken us years just to do that. In fact it also humbles me to say that I have also had to file bankruptcy in the past and I am on the slow road to recovery from that. So as I see someone like Ben Stein on television spouting his mouth off about how this can be good for the economy I think to myself, “well sure, for you since you have fifty credit cards in your wallet, you could care less.”

Oh I was going to spend allot of time doing research on facts and figures that no one is going to give a rat’s ass about anyway. I could ya know. I have to my disposal the same technology that everyone else has, a pretty large computer, a well sized hard drive and the most important part I understand the subject matter. I’m not saying that I am another Neil Cavuto but it isn’t hard to understand that if you give a bunch of people that haven’t earned credit the chance to have credit before the people who have earned the credit first, the people that have earned the credit first, you know the one’s who helped your bank grow, those people will continue to do their best while the illegal people that you gave credit cards to will run up bogus charges and the legal people will have to bare the brunt of the cost of that cost. The percentage of good apples out of bad ones is about 5% out of 100% so don’t try and feed us that lame “we’re trying to help the poor immigrants south of the border” bullshit. Other immigrants may be a different story but too bad, illegal is illegal, PERIOD!

So listen assholes at Bank of America, I do care and a bunch of people just like me care too. We’ve worked all of our lives to get where we’re at in life not to have you throw it out the window for your corporate greed. Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins and whether you want to believe in them or not, for thousands of years greed has taken down kings way bigger than you. It has toppled enter kingdoms my greedy friends. That’s why they call it a “Deadly Sin” It’s not a myth and it’s not something to mess with. Just go back in history and look at every large entity that has ever grown to amass so large of a fortune that they start taking advantage of the people that gave them their start. “bit the hands that fed them”; They got their hands cut off somehow. It doesn’t matter who and how, it just happens someday. I am not warning you, I am just giving you a lesson in history and I am telling your future for you. Personally I don’t have one of your cards and I would never get one. I think you SUCK! But that’s just me and that’s my opinion; and like assholes everyone’s got one.

My wife has asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up lately and I just told her just a few minuets ago. I plan to be another person who stands up for the people when the people can’t stand up for themselves. I plan to spread the word of God at the same time. Just like Martin Luther King he fought for not only Black rights but for all Civil Rights, for all of us. I plan to do the same but with the internet behind me.

Sorry for the spicy language everyone but the old Lazlo is fired up over this one today.

That’s the Lazlo Report for Wensday, February 21 2007

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