The Lazlo Report is the overall thoughts of Lazlo T. Hofstedder after watching the world go around each day and watching how people act toward each other, not only in his life but in all of society, today , yesterday and how it will effect the future.

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Telling it like it is

In today’s world of politics there’s a sort of “do it to them before they do to you” attitude. Now, I’m forty-seven and I remember when a candidate would come on to television and say what HE was going to do for the Country and not what his opponent hasn’t done or what the opponent is going to do to screw things up.

During one of the last elections some time ago, my wife asked me while sipping coffee in bed, “When did they all go negative ads”. My answer was that it was just at about the same time that Bill Clinton hired his bald headed, small-minded crony named James Carvelle. Carvelle, a man who could put a spin on his mother murdering a Girl Scout, because the girl didn’t have enough dipsy-doodles, and those on the right in this country would soon forget about the poor little girl whom she murdered because we would all have to sit and listen to Mr. Carvelle talk about his aged mother who’s only joy in life was loving those cookies. And to beet all, I’m sure that Mr. Carvelle would represent his aged mother and get her off scot-free too.

That’s how far to the left this Country has gone and Bill Clinton used to have this man in his ear, every day, all day. If anyone remembers, this man started the hatred of the Republicans from the Democrats but then he had to let it spew onto mainstream television and America seem to approve of it only because he was married to a Republican, Mary Matalin, who just happen to be a friend of the Bush Administration. Although Mr. Carville has a stunning academic record for which I commend him, it still does not excuse the fact that he, along with a select few, guided Bill Clinton to become the first “Black President” something that our country wasn’t ready for until we find an African American person who can put their African heritage aside.

In so that you don’t start thinking that I am not a racist, I will say that again; we are not ready for an African American president until we can find a person who can put their African heritage aside them and stand alone as an American, as just a Black American. There are millions of wonderful black Americans born each day and that live right here in America that don’t prescribe to the diatribe of this African-Islamic anti-Americanism. Notice that I did not say put their African heritage behind them, rather I said I said aside them. That is very important. VERY! I am a white person but I would not ever run on the all white ticket. I also have part American Indian in me but I wouldn’t run on that ticket either, would I.? Think about it, we are all Americans when you get right down to it, well some of us.

The only format that the democrats ran on in 2004 and 2006 was an:”Anything But Bush” campaign, and that actually seemed to work. But what has happened to our135, 000+ troops over in Iraq right now? What about their vote? And how does it make them feel when they’re told that half of America that they’re fighting for has just hired a bunch of people in Congress who think that they are baby killers and murders when they were sent to do a job, a VERY HARD JOB? . And these soldiers want to win this war, not to come home in shame like people such as John Kerry and Nancy Paloci want them to so he, she and others can call this war the Vietnam of the 21st century and that it’s only Bush’s fault. That sort of stupidity is what will get our soldiers killed in action and embolden the enemy. As I said, the enemy does sit over there and watch Comedy Central and they watch Fox News so they see the news reports and they see the stupid comments made about our Commander in Chief.

Do people like Nancy Polosi and the makers of Comedy Central not think that our enemies watch television or are they maybe on the same side? It sometimes makes me wonder whether there’s not a satellite dish on top of the Capital Building and whether it’s pointed toward Algazier's satalite. Radical Muslims in this country are our enemy whether you want to hear that or not. Just read parts of their version of the Koran. In it there are special passages that say that Americans are infidels and all infidels if not converted to Islam must be killed; that’s all men, women and children of the U.S.A. and numbnuts like John Kerry, if he's not in on it because so rich and will never become one of their slaves, is just sitting back and letting this all happen. Oh, shit, just I just let the cat out of the bag???????

And what are people making fun of anyway; because President Bush is a poor public speaker? Allot of people a have problem speaking spontaneously and sometimes it's called stuttering, not lying. He seems to think faster than he speaks, in other words it could be a sign of a very high IQ. Many geniuses are the same way so get over it. At least let’s ridicule him for his supposed lies and not his God given weakness. If anything I'd say the John Kerry’ AND THE Nancy Peloci’ of Washington have been harmed by all of this name calling far more than Mr. Bush because they now have so much corruption in their own party to explain it makes them look stupid for bringing those sort of lies up. But let’s not bring up the fact that none of the ads authorized by the President anything to do with Bill Clinton lying to Congress and lying his wife or anything like that, because as I said in the start of this blog, James Carvelle went into personal attacks; Sort of “he started it”, Mr, Bush just didn’t sink to his level. But it’s all still negative ads and it’s a sad commentary that we’ve stooped to, so low in this country as not to say what you can do, but what the other guy or gal didn’t do . . . . just sad,

Besides, most ads that ran were tied to specific U.S. House, U.S. Senate, or gubernatorial races throughout the country; negative ads and all... Mr. Bush was called everything from a liar to liken to a Nazi. Now that borders on treason in my book. And that was just so that the Democrats could win enough seats in the house and Senate to take over, good Lord! Some of the ads that were not seen as much were of more general issue or advocacy ads and not tied to a particular race or candidate. Those ads were less grievous by far. What I say to all of you is that you better be careful for what you wish for, you might just get it. In other words, be careful for who you vote for, he or she just might win.

Never talked about much is that President Bush is a visionary. Equally so, President Kennedy was a visionary too, as was many of our U.S. Presidents throughout history were. President Bush wants to see a free and democratic Iraq, something that I truly believe that this world needs. Something that only a part of our Government is working toward right now but our Armed Forces is over there and doing it’s best to accomplish. Now, John F Kennedy wanted to push though a bill to adopt the metric system. I remember this when I was in grade school. Why, because he was a communist? I think not. Because he was a visionary and how easy it would be for all of us right now to watch The Science Channel, The Learning Channel and The Discovery Channel and to try and figure out how long things are in meters. Some Presidents are visionaries; they can see the future in realistic terms, it just takes an open mind to let their dreams for our great nation come true. These men write history, we live it, we write it down, and then we judge them on it.

I think that because the mainstream media is so far to the left and the Media is owned by the Left that President Bush will be remembered for nothing more than the terrible jokes, the lies that were told about him and a war that had to be fought for our freedom. No mention of all of the great things that he did while in office. Such happened to many of our great Presidents because of the Media. After Johnson took over for Kennedy, he wrote and passed more bills though congress on civil rights than all of the Bills that JFK passed while in office yet why is John Kennedy so famous and President Johnson not? It’s because the leftist media and them spinning the real truth while what John Kennedy really did was to spend most of his time dealing with personal problems like Marilyn Monroe and his beautiful wife and children and then he had just one big media blow up, the Cuban missile crisis. The Vietnam War along with the Cuban Missile Crisis in Kennedy’s time was ran by someone else, Bob McNamara, so don’t get the two confused. Hmmm, it seems that Bill Clinton and his mentor, JFK, had more in common than people know, someone in his ear telling him what he should do so he could go off and get his dick sucked….Hhmmmmm

I hope that Bill Clinton will be remembered for lying to Congress, lying to his wife about having several affairs, having an intern give him a botched blowjob in the oval office and then her keeping the dress I hope that he’s remembered for his wife’s financial scandal and the possible ties to the murder of Vince Foster which is of equally important. I hope that on a grave marker somewhere that it says “here lies Bill Clinton he hired James Carvelle the architect of negative ads”. But alas, I doubt it, because I also think that Bill Clinton has such a large penis that it doesn’t matter what lies about he tells or who he tries to poke because he’s made his deal with the devil and at this point there ain’t no go’n back. He will however have to pay the piper one day. That day is coming soon., for all of us Appropriately I will end this Blog with another old saying that I do hope it comes back, and soon, Count Your Blessings Folks, you’re going to need to..

That’s the Lazlo Report for January 16, 2007

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